Just click the picture to see all LOST Book Club posts!
The Obsessed Librarians being what we are, letting go of LOST these past few months has been...well, we haven't actually been able to do that. So, we decided not to. That's right. We became obseesed and we are staying that way. Take that, society! To keep our love strong, we will be reading the books that influenced the show, were talked about, or just happened to be on someone's bookshelf. Yes, we are starting our own LOST Book Club. We definitely have a lot of material to choose from, so we can discuss how we want the LOST Book Club to work as part of our regular Obsessed Librarian posts, and go from there! This area of the blog will be where we can go when we want to read older posts and look at what books we are reading et cetera. So, if you have to go back, you can hang out here!