Sunday, April 15, 2012

Adventures in Literature: The Catcher in the Rye, Chapter 10

I've hit the double digits! I still don't know where this novel is going, but I still want to find out.

Chapter 10

Holden decides to check out the sleazy hotel's sleazy club, the Lavender Room. That name makes it sound more like a tea shop than a nightclub. He really just wants to call his little sister, but he knows his parents would answer the phone and he is not willing to talk to them. Plus, it's still the middle of the night. He instead tells us how wonderful Phoebe is. She's ten years old, loves films, and tends to be too emotional. Coming from Holden Caulfield, King of Angst, I find that last descriptor entertaining.
The Lavender Room features a crappy band. Holden tries to get a drink,  but his age is questioned so he settles for a Coke. There are three girls sitting at the table next to him, and he quickly recognizes that they are incredibly stupid but he buys them all drinks, dances with them, and compliments the shit out of them anyway. The bar closes. The girls leave. Holden leaves. It's all fairly uneventful.


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