Thursday, October 14, 2010

LOST Book Club: The Beginning of the End

Okay, so we have talked about starting our own recreational LOST Book Club for a while. Now that the show is over and I have a giant void in my life, I think now would be a good time to get things started. What do you all think? Of course you don't have to participate or anything, but it could be delightful and also a great excuse to eat LOST themed food again...or just to eat. Who doesn't want to eat? For everyone who wants to particpate, we have some fun decisions to make. Mostly, what kind of system do we want to have? These are all of the literary works that, in some way, have something to do with LOST. Thanks, Lostpedia! also had their own book club that we can use as a reference or something, if we want. As you can see, I may have borrowed their logo a bit. We definitely won't be reading all of the books on these lists. I mean there are a lot of them, and personally, I am not really all jazzed about the idea of  reading Moby Dick again. do we want to handle this? What do we want to read? How should we pick? Let's just throw some ideas around and see what we come up with, eh?  Don't worry, you won't get kicked out of this book club!


  1. Maybe, we can all pick several books that we're most interested in and see what our combined lists look like.

    I am so jazzed to have a new reason to put Dharma labels on food!

  2. That is an excellent idea! We should start working on these lists!
